Structured Habitat Survey
Jason Morson
Douglas Zemeckis
Research Questions
What is the relative abundance, distribution, and demographics of structure-associated species within the Study Area and at nearby control sites before, during, and after construction?
Descriptor: Our structured habitat survey will be conducted seasonally (Spring: April-May, Summer: July-August, Fall: October-November, Winter: January-February) for two years before, during, and after construction of the Ocean Wind 1 offshore windfarm. The objective of this survey is to evaluate the potential impacts of the windfarm construction on fisheries resources, with a particular emphasis on structure-associated species such as black sea bass and tautog. This survey will include three different gear types: Chevron fish traps, rod-and-reel, and both benthic and pelagic baited remote underwater videos (BRUVs). All trips are planned to occur in collaboration with Captain Kevin Wark aboard the F/VDana Christine II from Barnegat Light, NJ.
If If you have any questions about our structured habitat survey, then please contact Dr. Douglas Zemeckis or Dr. Jason Morson.
Surveying stations will include locations of where turbines will be constructed in the future (orange dots – #’s 1-15), locations of “phantom turbines” that will remain as sand habitat controls throughout the study (purple dots – #’s 16-30), and shipwrecks on the nearby Atlantic City artificial reefs as structured habitat controls (not shown on map)